
The HobaCare Rebrand is Here

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Golden HobaCare Jojoba a natural after skin sun soother in two clear bottles with a blurred green background

In early 2019, with an eye to refreshing our brand after many years, The Original Jojoba Company embarked on a rebranding journey and we thought our customers might be interested to learn more about the process and how our new look and feel came to be.

jojoba rebrand

After speaking with a few Maine design firms, we chose Might & Main in Portland to partner with to update our brand. Why did we want to overhaul our look? There were several reasons but among the foremost was the fact that our labels and overall look hadn’t changed much in the years since our company was founded in 1994. After our founder Bob Butler sold the company to a cooperative of jojoba growers in late 2018 and retired, we wanted to refresh our look and emphasize the agricultural roots of our product now that we were directly connected to the farmers who supply our pure jojoba extract. You’ll see that in the artwork our designers gave us our new stylized jojoba seeds, flowers, and leaves.

HobaCare Rebrand launch

We also wanted to differentiate our 100% pure jojoba oil for hair and skin better in the marketplace. There is a lot of jojoba for sale out there but HobaCare is the only first-press quality jojoba on the market, meaning extract that’s been lightly pressed to our exact specifications, resulting in a lighter, more quickly-absorbing, practically odorless product, different from any others. We wanted labels and an overall brand strategy that emphasized our commitment to quality and uniqueness. We think that our new look delivers on all points.

Because jojoba is a liquid wax ester, not actually an oil (you might notice that we never call ours “jojoba oil” despite that being the common term), its shelf life is indefinite and while sunlight may eventually lighten the color of jojoba it won’t oxidize in the bottle and therefore amber-colored packaging is unnecessary. We wanted to continue to showcase the beautiful color of our jojoba and with our new clear labels on our clear bottles, you can see even more of our beautiful golden jojoba.

organic first press quality jojoba

As part of our rebranding process and to minimize confusion, we have fully embraced HobaCare as our brand name across all of our products. Instead of differentiating between Pesticide-free and Organic, and to bring our Jojoba Baby line in with the rest of the family, we now offer HobaCare, HobaCare Organic, HobaCare Baby, and HobaCare Baby Organic. Soon our website will officially be hobacare.com (but don’t worry, jojobacompany.com will still get you to us).

We embarked on our rebrand with the following aspiration: The Original Jojoba Company is the best producer of the purest quality jojoba extract in the world, unrefined and unfussed.

Our customers know and love our 100% pure jojoba oil for their hair and skin because of its exceptional quality. Our hope is that with our brand refresh our visual identity gives new and potential customers an immediate sense of the high-quality nature of what’s inside each bottle. We want to thank the creative and patient team at Might & Main for working with us over the past year to make our rebrand a reality and to give thanks to our many customers who have been patiently waiting for this change and encouraging us every time we’ve posted a sneak peek of our new look. We hope you love it as much as we do and that we can continue to provide you with the very best jojoba in the world.

jojoba for babies

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