
DIY Herbal Hot Spot Treatment

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herbal hot spot treatment

Most likely, if you have pets, you’ve experienced a hot spot. Hot spots are acute moist dermatitis and are characterized by red, irritated, weepy sores that can be terribly difficult to get rid of. They can grow rapidly as pets try to clean them with constant licking. There are loads of treatments out there, but we have found a simple natural hot spot treatment that works beautifully. Plain jojoba works wonderfully on hot spots, we’ve heard from many pet owners who have used 100% jojoba straight from our bottles on hot spots. It works not only on hot spots but on other skin issues in pets as well, like dry skin. While you can use plain jojoba with success, the addition of calendula will make jojoba even more effective for hot spot treatment. Calendula is said to have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties as well as speeding up the healing of wounds. These properties make it especially beneficial in troubled skin salves and mixes, and they make it a particularly great hot spot treatment for your cats and pets. Here’s how to make a simple DIY calendula-infused jojoba hot spot treatment. After you make a batch, gift some to your friends with pets, they will appreciate it! (never mix essential oils with jojoba to use on pets, essential oils can be toxic to animals, cats in particular)


1. Place dried or fresh calendula flower petals in a jar filling to about 3/4-2/3 full, quart size is generally a good size to start with. You can use fresh herbs, but make sure they are allowed to dry down for a day or two. The moisture in the herbs can increase the risk of mold. So be extra watchful if you use freshly harvested calendula from your garden.

2. Top off herbs with jojoba. The goal is to keep herbs submerged under jojoba, be sure to leave some headspace for expansion.

3. Cap, shake jar and place jar in sunny windowsill. Allow to infuse for four to six weeks, shaking every couple days. It is helpful to write the date the mix was made on the bottom of the jar.

4. Strain herbs out of jojoba with cheesecloth, a couple of layers might be needed to remove all particles. Transfer infused jojoba to smaller bottles to be used as needed or gifted. Write date finished on bottom of jar and try to use up within a year. While jojoba has an indefinite shelf life, the herbs introduce properties that can go bad or increase risk of mold.

As with all herbal preparations, please test your natural calendula-infused jojoba remedy for hot spots on the skin in small amounts before using a lot. While jojoba itself is non-allergenic, the herbs used in this holistic treatment and infusion for dog and pet hot spots can cause reactions in some people.

calendula infused jojoba

Naturally, we recommend taking your pet to see a veterinarian if your pet’s hot spot is really bad, doesn’t heal up, or seems to worsen.

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