
Sinus Clear Essential Oil Blend

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32 oz bottle of HobaCare golden jojoba oil surrounded by amber glass bottles of essential oils in various sizes

Have you ever wondered what essential oils are good for and used to clear sinuses? Jojoba makes an excellent carrier for essential oils, we won’t got into the nitty gritty of why in this post, find out more on our post dedicated to this topic. We decided to do a Mix of the Month, essential oil mixes to make and use. Since it’s that time of the year when many are plagued by colds and flus and or allergies, we decided a little decongestant essential oil mix for sinuses would be useful. This mix was developed over a few years. When I was a kid, my mom used to rub Vicks Vapo Rub on my chest, I loved the results, but I hated the way it felt. The great thing about jojoba is that it doesn’t have that sticky feeling, it absorbs quickly into the skin, with no sticky residue. This essential oil mix is not just for those times of sickness, but also whenever you’re feeling sinus congestion, perhaps due to allergies.

Extend the life of your essential oil mixes

switch to jojoba as your carrier & extend the shelf life of your expensive essential oil mixes

1 glass roller bottle (.3 oz size)
7 drops essential oil of eucalyptus
5 drops essential oil of peppermint
7 drops essential oil of white camphor
1 drop essential oil of thyme
100% pure jojoba

Place drops of essential oil in roller bottles, top off with jojoba, shake gently. For use, roll on palm, rub palms together, inhale mix, then rub on forehead, temples, and behind ears. Follow by cupping hands and placing them over nose, take a few moment to breathe in the benefits. Also rub generously on chest and bottoms of feet is congestion is bad, this is especially helpful to do at night. Hopefully your sinuses will start to clear in a jiffy. Try using this blend with a lymph flow facial massage to help remove excess congestion. Sometimes it’s beneficial to add a few extra drops of pure jojoba to palm after rolling on mix for extra glide.

After making this essential oil recipe for sinus pressure, nasal congestion/stuffy nose, try our various other blends from our Mix of the Month list:
Headache Blend
Peace of Mind Blend
Itch Stop Mix
Muscle Rub Blend

There are a few precautions with any essential oils: Never use undiluted, in eyes or around mucus membranes. Do not ingest. Do not use for a prolonged period of time. Keep away from children and do not use essential oil on children or pets unless directed by a professional (cats in particular are very sensitive to essential oils, never use on cats). Avoid while pregnant and with homeopathics. May cause skin irritation (test on a small patch of skin in an insensitive portion of your body with proper dilution rate).

For educational purposes only. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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