
Is Jojoba Oil Good for Oily, Acne-Prone Skin?

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We get asked a lot of questions about how/when and what type of skin conditions can be helped by using HobaCare Jojoba. “Can you use jojoba oil for acne?” and “Is jojoba oil good for oily, acne-prone skin?” are some of the most common. The answer is a resounding YES!

Jojoba is naturally anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory, which makes it highly beneficial for inflammatory skin conditions including acne. Recent studies show that it’s as effective in decreasing inflammation as a topical steroid. Jojoba also has anti-aging and wound-healing properties, making it the ideal product for your skin, even delicate facial skin. The high content of wax esters makes jojoba oil a good repair option for those with conditions such as seborrheic dermatitis, eczematous dermatitis, and acne*. These are just a few of the qualities that make it very effective for those trying to treat acne naturally. Using jojoba oil for acne is one of the most natural treatment options you’ll find.

I wish I could rate this more stars!! I suffered acne for a decade and could not find anything to tame my skin without taking pills like birth control. And even then, I had extremely dry skin. I have barely made a dent in my 8oz bottle and I bought it four months ago.

This was absolutely my saving grace for good skin and it was the best $19 I’ve ever spent! I never knew oil was what I was missing from my skincare routine. Years of being told by dermatologists that “oil is what makes you break out”, well they’re wrong. Yes, I was skeptical at first, but it was my last try at finding something to help me. Within a month, my skin had never looked better! Thank you for making such a great, natural product at such an affordable price!!


Acne is a common condition from which many people of all ages deal and it affects roughly 50 million Americans. Statistics show that around 95% of people ages 11-30 are affected by acne to some extent. It is an inflammatory skin condition in which hair follicles get clogged with dead skin cells and oil. However, there can be other underlying conditions that can cause acne as well.

Can and does jojoba oil cause breakouts or clog pores?

Acne can be caused by a variety of factors, jojoba oil itself is non-comedogenic, which means that it will not clog the pores and cause acne. Jojoba is a highly valuable addition to any skincare routine, especially those with acne-prone skin. We recommend starting with an 8 oz bottle of HobaCare Jojoba for acne treatment, if you’ve already been using jojoba oil for acne, we recommend the 32 oz HobaCare Jojoba because it’s cheaper per ounce, and as a bonus it ships FREE.

Technically a wax ester instead of an oil, jojoba oil resembles human sebum. One of the theories as to why jojoba works so well for acne is that it helps cleanse the pores and communicates to your skin to not produce as much sebum. Overproduction or blocked sebum can cause acne.

Good afternoon! My name is Jaylene and I’m an esthetician from ny. I learned about your product at the IBS show in Manhattan and I fell in love!!! I suffered from Severe cystic acne and unlike a lot of your typical acne clients my skin was extremely dry due to hormonal imbalances. I started to use your oils (along with other products) to improve the scars, redness and inflammation. My skin has improved drastically & I definitely have to say your HobaCare jojoba has been a huge part of it. I thank your company for distributing such amazing products I will continue to use your oil and recommend it to all my clients .

Jaylene @jayunfiltered on Instagram

Why should I be using jojoba oil for acne?

HobaCare Jojoba makes a great skin cleanser, moisturizer, and conditioner for those with acne, rosacea, eczema, and other inflammatory skin conditions. How can this be? You may be wondering why something that is the closest thing in nature to the sebum your skin produces can help with acne.

Jojoba closely matches the natural sebum produced by the skin, which is why it actually nourishes and feeds the skin. Jojoba replenishes our skin’s natural barrier function and is considered an optimal product for acne and oily skin. Jojoba provides hydration and cleansing without clogging pores or drying the skin. Using harsh cleansers to clean the skin can trigger the skin to produce even more oil. We really like Charcoal Face Soap from Wandering Goat Soaps, it’s all natural and even contains clay and charcoal but won’t overdraw skin.

Jojoba oil will not leave the skin feeling heavy or greasy and is generally considered an optimal ingredient for use in acne and oily skin care products. Jojoba oil closely matches natural sebum, which is why it allows for superior hydration without clogging pores. Jojoba also has anti-aging and wound-healing properties. You can see how all of these properties work beautifully together to help acne-prone skin balance and heal.

How can I use jojoba oil for acne?

The quickest way to incorporate jojoba into your skincare routine if you want to try it for acne is to simply swap out your daily moisturizer for jojoba. Many people have great success by using jojoba as their moisturizer. Since jojoba is the closest thing in nature to the sebum your skin already produces, your skin recognizes it and absorbs what it needs. It has been said that applying jojoba to overly active sebum glands helps balance out oil production.

Another way to use jojoba oil for acne-prone skin is to start oil cleansing for your skincare routine. If you’ve never heard about oil cleansing, check out our blog post dedicated to it. Oil cleansing uses some type of oil (often olive or sesame, but jojoba is a favorite of many) to deep clean pores dirt.

Quick start with OIL cleaning: apply a small amount of oil to the face, massage for 3-10 minutes, then wipe off excess with a damp cloth. No need to use a cleanser to remove the remaining oil. When it comes to oil cleansing, some people use olive, others sesame, but many prefer using jojoba even though it’s not technically an oil. (see our in-depth post using jojoba oil for oil cleansing)

Oil cleansing uses some type of oil to dissolve the dirt/grime/oil on our skin. Oil breaks down the dirt and grime on our face without stripping it of the natural lipids. One of the most basic principles of chemistry is that “like dissolves like”, thus using oil on your face actually breaks down and dissolves the oil and grime that builds up.

The best way to dissolve the sebum on your skin is to use another product in a similar composition (like jojoba, which is the closest product in nature to the sebum your skin produces). Using jojoba as the “oil” in the oil cleansing method, will help clean your skin naturally and gently.

The theory is that as the jojoba dissolves the dirty sebum from your skin, it will replace it with clean sebum. This jojoba oil cleansing method can be used by anyone with any skin type. If you research oil cleansing, you will find a wide variety of oils recommended. Jojoba is one of the best cleansing mediums because its chemical composition is closest to the sebum that our skin naturally produces. It’s also non-allergenic, which means it’s suitable for those even with very sensitive skin.

smiling dark skinned woman with a drying mask of clay and jojoba oil for acne covering her face

Mix up a proven acne-reducing mask of clay and jojoba oil

A 2012 study tested the effects of clay face masks containing jojoba oil in 133 people with mild acne. Participants applied the masks two or three times per week. After 6 weeks of treatment, they reported a 54 percent decrease in acne lesions, including papules, cysts,  and comedones.

Here’s how to mix up a quick mask of clay and jojoba oil for acne. Mix 1-2 teaspoons of cosmetic clay* with water until it forms a thick paste (use herbal hydrosol instead of water for added herbal benefits). Mix in a quarter to half a teaspoon of jojoba to form a smooth creamy paste (start with less jojoba and add more as needed). Mix and apply to the face. Allow clay and jojoba to work their magic for 15 minutes or so, then apply a warm wet washcloth to the face and gently wipe off the mask. Rinse the face well with water, then follow the mask by gently massaging a few drops of jojoba into the skin.

This mask can be used on the face, back, or all over the body several times per week. This mix is suitable for all skin types.

*What type of cosmetic clay should I use for acne?

Different clays provide different benefits, some are more drying than others. If you are looking specifically for clay to use for an acne mask, choose French Green, Bentontite, or Fuller’s Earth Clay. Fuller’s Earth is the most absorbent of all cosmetic clays, if your skin is very oily choose this variety.

Make Calendula-Infused Jojoba Oil for Acne and Clogged Pores

Calendula packs a punch when it comes to topical use for skin issues, when infused into jojoba it creates a powerful natural herbal treatment for a wide variety of skin issues, most notably acne. Calendula is a sunny yellow-flowered herb that has anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties that make it useful in healing wounds, soothing eczema, and relieving diaper rash, and acne. It’s also used as an antiseptic. Combine this with the naturally anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties of jojoba, which makes it highly beneficial for most inflammatory skin conditions including clogged pores and acne prone skin.

We have a blog post that tells you how to make your own calendula-infused jojoba so we won’t get into that there, but here are a few reasons why you should consider giving it a try.

Have you had success using jojoba oil for oily acne prone skin? Tell us about it. Leave a review on one of our sizes or send us an email to let us know. We will be sure to share your success in order to help others treat acne naturally.

*Anti-Inflammatory and Skin Barrier Repair Effects of Topical Application of Some Plant Oils


Susy Morris

Susy Morris

Susy is a long time author & photographer, previously having written for magazines like Mother Earth News & Northern Gardener, along with writing for many blogs. She has been at The Original Jojoba Company since 2014 and in that time has focused on learning about jojoba and its many uses & benefits.

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