
How to Make Arnica Infused Jojoba Oil

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arnica infused oil

For all the same reasons that jojoba oil makes a great carrier for essential oils, it also makes a great carrier to infuse with botanicals. Infusing jojoba with botanicals can take it up a notch, adding healing elements to an already amazing product. Jojoba’s shelf stability and long life make it one of the best mediums for such infusions. This arnica-infused jojoba oil can be used as is, for massaging sore muscles, or it can be used as an ingredient in arnica salve recipes, balms, and other products. You can use this basic method for a wide variety of infusions. We will be coming up with a few over the coming months, check back to see our recipes.

arnica infused oil
infusing jojoba with arnica

No doubt, you’ve heard of the health benefits of arnica oil for muscle pain, bruises, soreness, swelling, arthritis, and other types of pain. Rub this arnica-infused jojoba on areas affected by soreness or pain. Arnica should not be used on open cuts/wounds because it is toxic if it gets into the body. It’s fine for external use. As with almost everything, some individuals can be sensitive to one specific compound in arnica, helenalin. If you develop a rash, discontinue use, you are most likely one of those sensitive. Keep reading below to learn how to make arnica-infused jojoba oil!

jojoba infused with arnica


1. Place organic dried arnica flowers in a jar, quart size is perfect for about one ounce of dried flowers. You can use fresh herbs, but make sure they are allowed to dry down for a day or two. The moisture in the herbs can increase the risk of mold.

2. Top off herbs with jojoba. The goal is to keep arnica submerged under jojoba, be sure to leave some headspace for expansion.

3. Cap, shake the jar, and place the jar on a sunny windowsill. Allow to infuse for four to six weeks, shaking every couple of days. It is helpful to write the date the mix was made on the bottom of the jar.

4. Strain herbs out of jojoba with cheesecloth, a couple of layers might be needed to remove all particles. Transfer infused jojoba to smaller bottles to be used as needed or gifted. Write the date finished on the bottom of the jar and try to use up within a year.

Other Infusions you can try to make:
Lavender Infused Jojoba
Arnica Infused Jojoba
Chamomile Infused Jojoba
Calendula Infused Jojoba

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