
Interview with Laura McCann of Adoratherapy

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interview with Laura McCann of Adoratherapy

We want to get to know our customers better and have you along for the ride! In our #HowDoYouHobaCare series we find out how/why individuals, professionals and businesses use our HobaCare Jojoba Oil*– and showcase their lives, services or products! (see more series in this post)

In the first of our business series, we’d love to introduce you to a longtime customer of ours – Laura McCann of ADORAtherapy in Asheville, North Carolina. Laura has years of experience in creating very beautiful aromatherapy products. Find out more about Laura McCann and her business by reading our interview below!

interview with Laura McCann of Adoratherapy

Tell us a little bit about your company and what you give to the world through it

Transformation is at the very heart of the ADORAtherapy mission. Founded upon the belief that Mother Earth’s abundant resources offer the ability to transform the human experience. Our aroma perfumes lift and shift your mood in the moment, allowing you to tap into your best self. When we have the presence of mind and heart to be more adoring and compassionate with ourselves, this very feeling cascades into the world and all we touch within it. As we individually transform into the best version of ourselves, we weave a new tapestry for humankind, ultimately elevating our collective consciousness.

How did your love of aromatherapy and crafting scents come to be in your life?

I grew up in Paris and my grandfather’s best friend, who was an American World War II veteran and his French wife owned a duty free perfume store. I was taken there often and always was given a bag of samples. I can’t remember not wearing perfume. As I got older I developed migraines and perfume become a big no-no. I had no alternative until I was introduced to Aromatherapy through Adora Winquist at a friend’s birthday party. A master formulator, she had developed perfume-like aromatherapy blends. I was so excited. I had no idea essential oil perfumery could go beyond perfume and not only deliver amazing scents but heal and shift my moods.

You have purchased HobaCare Jojoba Oil for many years! We couldn’t be more thrilled to be of support of your creations. Did you try other carrier types before settling on ours?

We have always used jojoba as our core carrier. When we tried HobaCare Jojoba we loved it and have been using it since. We tried a few other brands, but we ultimately fell in love with Hobacare. Your customer service is great and we sometimes have to order last minute to fulfill a big order and always get what we need.

Why would you recommend HobaCare Jojoba Oil to others as a base for aromatherapy?

We use water and oil as carriers. Water for sprays and oil for roll ons and droppers. We believe jojoba is the best carrier because it is not an oil and it is stable. We love the texture for our roll ons. I have many seed and nut allergies so the fact that it is non-allergenic is very important.

What are some of your favorite aspects of running your business?

I am a total packaging geek and love designing new concepts and sourcing bottles and boxes.
By the way we love your new packaging and branding!


Do you have a current favorite roll on scent from your collection?

My go to roll ons are Vitality, Motivation, Joy, and Clarity from our Chakra Boost collection. They are healing and smell amazing. I mix and match them as needed.

Have you tried using HobaCare Jojoba in your personal life? For face or body? For kitchen cutting boards? Massage? Pet care?

I have so many Adoratherapy products at home but have never used Hobacare on its own. Thanks for the inspiration!

(if you would like to know more about using HobaCare Jojoba Oil in various ways around your home, visit our 101 Uses post. Jojoba Oil can be used to condition wood, it’s even safe for cutting boards & wooden utensils, conditioning leather and keeping it supple, as a pre/post shave lubricant, on pets (it’s GREAT for hot spots), lubricating hinges and other items, and much more!)

Since HobaCare and ADORAtherapy have such clear intentions of integrity and wishes for all humans’ wellbeing through the products they use – what is something outside of our products you feel will help make the world a better place as we journey on?

I call myself a “life coach in a bottle”. I feel that my mission is to remind people to breathe and set an intention for their best life. Our aroma perfumes are blended to elicit specific mood and healing benefits. We like to say we are “Beyond perfume”.

There you have it! Just one of the amazing companies who utilize HobaCare Jojoba – in this case for the good of people’s moods and overall wellbeing! Please check out ADORAtherapy’s website for more information and tell Laura we sent you!


If you know of or are someone who would like to contribute to our series – send us an email at: info@hobacare.com and we’ll be in touch about showing our followers more about your particular use of HobaCare!

*Jojoba is actually a wax ester and not an oil, to learn more about that see our in depth page with information about Jojoba. We refer to it as an oil because it’s what people understand but we prefer to call it an “extract” instead.

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